Our Prayer Room is open each week on Saturdays from 10am until Noon and each week 30 minutes prior to our Sunday Services.
All Are Welcome
Men's Breakfast 7am on 3rd Sunday of Month
All Welcome...Great Breakfast with wonderful fellowship and speaker.
The Brown Bag Buddies (or affectionately known as BBB Program) was started several years ago after hearing that many children in Randolph County received free or reduced lunch at school during the week. The goal of this project was to provide food on the weekends for some of the children in need. We provide two breakfasts meals, two lunches, two dinners, two snacks, and two drinks. We pack these into brown bags and they are distributed to the children every Friday. The response has been very positive and the schools have been extremely supportive. During most weeks we try to make around 90 bags.
We are thankful for our brothers and sisters at Bethel East Church who have helped us financially support this ministry as well as send food each month.
We graciously accept any financial donations towards this ministry, but also happily accept any food donations. Below is a list of items that we use on a regular basis:
How do I get my child involved in the Brown Bag Buddy program (to receive a bag)?
How can I get involved in helping in the ministry?
How can I donate goods or financially to the ministry?
Ava Methodist Church members have helped build over 131 accessibility ramps in Randolph County to help those who need. We are thankful to have had the volunteers we needed for that project as time went on. The ramps have helped so many and we are thankful for the partnership funding with the Brotherhood of Ava, the Brotherhood of First Baptist, and the Randolph County Baptist Association.
Come Visit us on Sunday Mornings! 9:30am